Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Precious Baby Boy

As I sit here with him laying on my chest just thinking about a year ago we weren't even trying to a baby and here we are today with a baby. I never thought it would ever happen. It seems so surreal with him here. Like he's just going to disappear at any moment like it was just a dream.
I love him more then anything I've ever felt before in my life. I feel like Kevin and I just fell in love and it's a completely new relationship. Our Love for each other has been completely renewed and revived. I can't tell you how many time I've just been sitting on the couch this week looking at him and Collin together loving them both so much! I can't imagine love either of them anymore then I do now.
I've caught myself a few times this week starring at Collin loving him and I just start crying! I know it's weird and crazy that I cry for no reason but I love him so much!

I love listening to Kevin talk to Collin about the future and there are so many times this week that Kevin has told me how much he loves Collin and that just melts my heart. He loves talking to him about fishing and four wheeling and playing baseball and I can't wait to watch them do all these things together.

Today we had Newborn photos and I can't wait to see them all. They will be our memory about how tiny our baby boy was and how innocent he was.

Even though all of this is real and true I feel like I'm floating on Cloud Nine in a dream! The best dream of my Life!

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