We found out we're expecting a little boy! We couldn't be more happier about it. Kevin is the only male to carry on his family name and now we have one more to add to the list. Collin Gene is on track and is looking great! He's measuring in the 50th percentile for his growth. It was so amazing to see him moving around and kicking and waving his hand. He was great at letting us know he was a boy that's for sure. We were able to see his heart beating it was a healthy 143Bpm. Which is great and the tech said it's right where we want it to be. He showed us his arms and legs and we got some what of a profile view but not much. He decided to curl up into a little ball and not let the tech finish up what he needed to get. But he assured us everything looked great and there is nothing to worry about. But he told us that we needed to come back in a week or two to get another view and finish up somethings he didn't get. Which is never bad thing I would love to look at him every week if I could. So our next U/S and Appt is Sept 15th I can't wait to get another look at our little boy.
It's so strange to call him Collin or a boy. It's still hard to believe that he's in there. But he reassures me every so often since I can feel him move around and kick now. Which is the most amazing thing ever. It's the coolest feeling I've ever felt. I feel so connected to him and I can't believe we're half way there already. It's kind of hard to believe I didn't think we would ever be here now. It weird to feel him move his hand or foot which ever it is across my belly. Kevin can't wait to feel him I know he wants to know but it might not happen for awhile.
We started our registry this week too which was a lot of fun to pick things out that he'll be using and wearing. Now to wait for my showers which are going to be great and the holiday season which is quickly approaching us.
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