Monday, October 12, 2009

25 Weeks I've been a horrible Blogger Lately

Everything is going great so far. Collin is growing like crazy and I can't wait to meet this little man! It's crazy how you can just love someone so much that you've never met before. I feel like a total sap but it's just crazy to think he'll be in my arms in 15 weeks.
I had my 25 week Appt tonight and everything was great! Still only gained 4 lbs and his HB is 152-154 BPM. She said I'm measuring right on track and I have to go in every two week from here until 35 week then it will be every week. So in 2 weeks I do my GD test which I'm sure will be oh so fun!
K's gone now for work Tuesday thru Thursday which sucks because I don't sleep and neither does the dog which is even better but a jobs a job so we deal.
We're moving in one month and i can't WAIT.... We found a house on Okauchee Lake 3 BDRMS 1 Bath. It's going to be so great to spend the summer in the water with the kids next year and C is going to love the neighbor boys just a little older but there boys they'll play just fine together.
Well it's off to bed I'm exhausted! I'll post some photos soon enough.

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