Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I still don't have any leads on a job and I'm starting to get very faustrated. I feel like I've failed and I'm not going to bounce back. I know it' snot my fault but I feel that way. I feel like K is going to be let down if something doesn't happen. He's being so great about this all right now and not making a big deal about me not having something in line. He says everything will be ok but will it really? Who knows....
I'm pist because M didn't offer me at least two weeks paid even though she'll be getting unemployment and I can't. I'm so discouraged and I don't know what to do. I can't find a full time job because of that Apartment job I need something that I can still answer my work phone all day and that can't happen if I work in a day care or an office.
I'm to the point of asking my parents for a job and driving every day to Madison which is an hour away just so I can't have job security. I hate to use them as a fall back but I know they would trust that I'm reliable and I would be able to answer the phone for the apartments still. There are so many thoughts running through my head and I don't know what to do with them. When I try to talk about them they just don't come out correctly. K just tells me to keep on trucking along and we will all be ok.
But will we really?

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