Tuesday, July 14, 2009

11 Weeks

This week started out a bit rough I was sick again and was tired all the time. But I got through that. The rest of the week has been a complete breeze nothing to tiring. I've began to freak out a bit because everything is going so good. Which I just try to reassure myself everything is fine and nothing is wrong. That's easier said then done which is just great. I keep thinking I'm missing something but then I'll get a little cramp or twing in my abdomen and I feel better. I tried to take my PNV again this morning and I still can't get them down with out gagging which totally sucks. I'm going to ask my Dr on Monday what I can do because this just isn't working it's not the best feeling.
We had a great weekend we went out to Asiana's with Justin and Nichole and Breanna and it was really good I needed that night out. Saturday we hang around and did some work and cleaning around the house. Then K went to his friends and I just went to his parents since I don't want to be trapped in all the smoke. Sunday we went out for MIL's Birthday and it was so great to have a nice dinner with them and just have fun.

So 6 more days and we're in the clear our Dr. appt is on Monday July 20th at 10:30 and I can't wait to hear this baby's HB I'm so excited to get the ok that everything is going just fine.

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