Tuesday, June 9, 2009

6 weeks

This week hasn't been much different from the last. Still some slight cramping and I'm just really tired all I want to do is sleep as long as I can. This week started my Nauseous which is oh so great. Friday it kicked in and we had my younger sisters Graduation and that was one of the worst feelings in the world to sit through it praying I wasn't going to puke all over the people in front of us. K kept telling me we're almost done and that it's going to be fine.
I feel great most days but then some times It's just horrible but it's usually at night so I can at least just lay down and relax and not have to worry. Our Dr.'s Appointment is in 3 weeks and I can't wait. It seems like forever away and it's never going to get here. We can't wait to see the U/S and hear the HB.

K said my mood is all over the board and he just stays quiet as long as he can. Hopefully we'll get through this soon and won't have much to worry about. 5 more weeks and we're out of the dark and we can tell anyone and everyone!

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