Monday, June 29, 2009

9 Weeks.....

We had out first real Dr.'s appt this week and it was just amazing to see our little peanut. K just lit up it was so awesome to see his face especially since he tries to be such a hard ass about it and not show that he's excited so it was great to see that he does have some emotions towards this baby already. He of course asked the Dr. what it was and she laughed and said we won't know for a few weeks yet. He said well that's ok because I know it's a boy she just laughed and said well if it's a girl you know it's your fault right. HAHA He said well that's ok because I know it's a boy.
Yes we're both hoping for a boy but we don't care either way ask long as it's healthy. Althought I do really want my Dinosaur room. This week the baby is the size of a grape. I'm so excited everything is going great. I think some M/S has kicked in only in the morning but it really sucks I'm still really tired and all I want to do is sleep but everyone keeps telling me that should lighten up in a few weeks which is great I can't wait for that.
We spent the weekend on the lake with some friends it was great just to lay and relax in the sun we had a cook out and just hung out and talked. It was really nice since the next few weekends will be crazy.

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