Monday, January 26, 2009

OH the Weekend

We didn't really do much of anything. Friday night was great we went to K's friends to pay Texas Hold'em I've never play so I was just irritated that I had to go with but I did because Sarah Ricky's wife was going to play. The first few rounds were rough but then I caught on really quick. It was interesting to learn everyones faces. I started to win and I was getting really excited. Needless to say I kicked ass and won $40 dollars they play 5 dollars to play. So it was a blast and we're hosting next weekend WOOHOO! Down side since I was winning and it was taking forever we didn't get home until 5A.M. yes in the morning so...
Saturday was pretty much shot for anything. We drove around and ran some errands. K worked on the condo with Ricky and Sarah and I hung out. It was nice just to sit and relax.
Sunday we just laid around doing nothing K wasn't feeling the greatest but in the afternoon we drove around and looked at some cars we're thinking about getting. There's one in particular that I want but I'm not going to let it out until it happens HAHA. Then we did some shopping for K's parent's Anni party which is getting closer by the minute and I barely have anything done.
Now to the party I know I might be a b*tch but I'm so mad that K's brother isn't chipping in a dime and he should be able to come and drink all the beer we buy which is what's going to happen. PLus the dumb b*tch will be there (K's brothers GF) who I hate with a passion. I have good reason for this and I wish she wasn't going to be there because know one likes her and I'm serious. But me being the bigger person which is what K says he loves me for I'm letting her be there. But I will not say a damn word to her. She hasn't even offered to help yet which not like I would let her but whatever. Anyways vent over hopefully I'll get back on track with eating good after this weekend was so horrible.

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