Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Weight Gain

I totally gained weight I weighted myself at the gym tonight I'm up two pounds but I knew it was going to happen. I've been so free wih what I've been eating lately. I need to get my butt to the gym at least 4 times a week for 45mins and eat healthier. I know that if I follow my guidelines I'm much healthier anyways. I'm trying to stay positive and work hard because I really do want it. I went this far I can continue right? Well I should be able too. I really want to be down to 180lb by this time next year i'm going to work really hard to get there. I start with little goals like 15lbs and then I bump it up to 20 when I reach the first goal just so I'm not over extending myself it's easy that way. PLus once it's warmer outside we'll start taking Ben for more walks outside together and that at least adds to the work out for the week which isn't a bad things. Well so hear goes my week of eating good and staying on track!

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